Welcome to kicksoncourt!

This blog is for sneakerheads, especially basketball sneakers!!


Mar 6, 2013


1. Air Jordan Project – Air Jordan XII Retro Performance Review (Courtesy of Nightwing2303) A whole bunch of new performance models came out between December-February… now that they’re out of the way. Lets get back to the Air Jordan Project. Traction – Herringbone is featured in similar fashion to the previous Air Jordan signature – the Air Jordan XI. The phrase, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix...

Top 5 Basketball Shoes 2013

1. Nike LeBron X (10) Performance Review (courtesy of Nightwing2303) Hit the jump for full written review & scores… Traction – The traction is the best we’ve had on a LeBron in quite a while. Court coverage is abundant and it’s featured throughout the entire outsole all the way to the edge. From a front to back standpoint you are pretty much covered no matter what… jump stops, jab steps and quick hard stops are solid...